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The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Volume 71, Issues 5-6,
Pages 167-246 (31 December 1999)

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The truncated estrogen receptor alpha variant lacking exon 5 is not involved in progesterone receptor expression in meningiomas, Pages 167-172
H. M. Jacobs, A. B. van Spriel, S. G. A. Koehorst, J. H. H. Thijssen, G. Blaauw and M. A. Blankenstein
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19-oxygenations of 3-deoxy androgens, potent competitive inhibitors of estrogen biosynthesis, with human placental aromatase, Pages 173-179
M. Numazawa, M. Nagaoka, M. Morio and T. Kamiyama
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Differential cross-talk of estrogen and growth factor receptors in two human mammary tumor cell lines, Pages 181-189
R. B. Lichtner, K. Parczyk, W. Birchmeier and M. R. Schneider
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Bovine adrenal 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (E.C. isomerase (E.C. characterization and its inhibition by isoflavones, Pages 191-202
C. K. Wong and W. M. Keung
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Uptake of dehydroepiandrosterone-3-sulfate by isolated trophoblasts from human term placenta, JEG-3, BeWo, Jar, BHK cells, and BHK cells transfected with human sterylsulfatase-cDNA, Pages 203-211
Bernhard Ugele and Sabine Simon
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7-methyl-19-nortestosterone, a synthetic androgen with high potency: structure-activity comparisons with other androgens, Pages 213-222
N. Kumar, A. Crozat, F. Li, J. F. Catterall, C. W. Bardin and K. Sundaram
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Estrogen synthesis in human colon cancer epithelial cells, Pages 223-230
G. Fiorelli, L. Picariello, V. Martineti, F. Tonelli and M. L. Brandi
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Immunoassay of 7-hydroxysteroids: 2. Radioimmunoassay of 7-hydroxy-dehydroepiandrosterone, Pages 231-237
Oldich Lapík, Richard Hampl, Martin Hill and Luboslav Stárka
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Pregnenolone metabolized to 17-hydroxyprogesterone in yeast: biochemical analysis of a metabolic pathway, Pages 239-246
E. Degryse, G. Cauet, R. Spagnoli and T. Achstetter
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